Class Strand

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class Strand
    extends java.lang.Object
    A Strand is either a Thread or a Fiber
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Strand.State
      A strand's running state
      static interface  Strand.UncaughtExceptionHandler
      Interface for handlers invoked when a Strand abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected static java.lang.ThreadLocal<Strand> currentStrand  
      static int MAX_PRIORITY
      The maximum priority that a strand can have.
      static int MIN_PRIORITY
      The minimum priority that a strand can have.
      static int NORM_PRIORITY
      The default priority that is assigned to a strand.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Strand clone​(Strand strand, SuspendableCallable<?> target)  
      static Strand clone​(Strand strand, SuspendableRunnable target)  
      static Strand currentStrand()
      Returns the current strand.
      static void dumpStack()
      Prints a stack trace of the current strand to the standard error stream.
      static boolean equals​(java.lang.Object strand1, java.lang.Object strand2)
      Tests whether two strands represent the same fiber or thread.
      abstract java.lang.Object get()  
      abstract java.lang.Object get​(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)  
      abstract java.lang.Object getBlocker()
      Returns the blocker object supplied to the most recent invocation of a park method that has not yet unblocked, or null if not blocked.
      abstract long getId()
      Returns the strand's id.
      abstract java.lang.InterruptedException getInterruptStack()
      Returns an InterruptedException that was created when the interrupt() method was called, and can be used to retrieve the stack trace of the strand that interrupted this strand.
      abstract java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the strand's name.
      abstract int getPriority()
      Returns this strand's priority.
      abstract java.lang.StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
      Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack dump of this strand.
      abstract Strand.State getState()
      Returns the strand's current running state.
      abstract Strand.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler()
      Returns the handler invoked when this strand abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.
      abstract java.lang.Object getUnderlying()
      Returns the underlying object of this strand, namely a Thread or a Fiber.
      abstract void interrupt()
      Interrupts this strand.
      static boolean interrupted()
      Tests whether the current strand has been interrupted.
      abstract boolean isAlive()
      Tests whether this strand is alive, namely it has been started but not yet terminated.
      static boolean isCurrentFiber()
      Tests whether this function is called within a fiber.
      boolean isDone()  
      abstract boolean isFiber()
      Tests whether this strand is a fiber.
      abstract boolean isInterrupted()
      Tests whether this strand has been interrupted.
      abstract boolean isTerminated()
      Tests whether this strand has terminated.
      abstract void join()
      Awaits the termination of this strand.
      abstract void join​(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
      Awaits the termination of this strand, at most for the timeout duration specified.
      static void join​(java.lang.Object strand)
      Awaits the termination of a given strand.
      static void join​(java.lang.Object strand, long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
      Awaits the termination of a given strand, at most for the timeout duration specified.
      static Strand of​(Fiber fiber)
      Returns a strand representing the given fiber.
      static Strand of​(java.lang.Object owner)  
      static Strand of​(java.lang.Thread thread)
      Returns a strand representing the given thread.
      static void park()
      Disables the current strand for scheduling purposes unless the permit is available.
      static void park​(java.lang.Object blocker)
      Disables the current strand for scheduling purposes unless the permit is available.
      static void parkAndUnpark​(Strand other)  
      static void parkAndUnpark​(Strand other, java.lang.Object blocker)  
      static void parkNanos​(long nanos)
      Disables the current strand for thread scheduling purposes, for up to the specified waiting time, unless the permit is available.
      static void parkNanos​(java.lang.Object blocker, long nanos)
      Disables the current strand for thread scheduling purposes, for up to the specified waiting time, unless the permit is available.
      static void parkUntil​(java.lang.Object blocker, long deadline)
      Disables the current strand for scheduling purposes, until the specified deadline, unless the permit is available.
      static void printStackTrace​(java.lang.StackTraceElement[] trace, out)
      This utility method prints a stack-trace into a PrintStream
      static void printStackTrace​(java.lang.StackTraceElement[] trace, out)
      This utility method prints a stack-trace into a PrintWriter
      abstract Strand setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Sets this strand's name.
      abstract Strand setPriority​(int newPriority)
      Attempts to change the priority of this strand.
      abstract void setUncaughtExceptionHandler​(Strand.UncaughtExceptionHandler eh)
      Set the handler invoked when this strand abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.
      static void sleep​(long millis)
      Causes the currently executing strand to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
      static void sleep​(long millis, int nanos)
      Causes the currently executing strand to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
      static void sleep​(long duration, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
      Causes the currently executing strand to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified duration, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
      abstract Strand start()
      Starts the strand.
      static java.lang.Runnable toRunnable​(SuspendableCallable<?> callable)
      A utility method that converts a SuspendableCallable to a Runnable so that it could run as the target of a thread.
      static java.lang.Runnable toRunnable​(SuspendableRunnable runnable)
      A utility method that converts a SuspendableRunnable to a Runnable so that it could run as the target of a thread.
      static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.StackTraceElement[] trace)
      This utility method turns a stack-trace into a human readable, multi-line string.
      abstract void unpark()
      Makes available the permit for this strand, if it was not already available.
      static void unpark​(Strand strand)
      Makes available the permit for the given strand, if it was not already available.
      static void unpark​(Strand strand, java.lang.Object unblocker)
      Makes available the permit for the given strand, if it was not already available.
      abstract void unpark​(java.lang.Object unblocker)
      Makes available the permit for this strand, if it was not already available.
      static void unpark​(java.lang.Thread strand)
      Makes available the permit for the given strand, if it was not already available.
      static java.lang.Object unwrapSuspendable​(java.lang.Runnable r)
      Returns the SuspendableCallable or SuspendableRunnable, wrapped by the given Runnable by toRunnable.
      static void yield()
      A hint to the scheduler that the current strand is willing to yield its current use of a processor.
      static void yieldAndUnpark​(Strand other)  
      static void yieldAndUnpark​(Strand other, java.lang.Object blocker)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final int MIN_PRIORITY
        The minimum priority that a strand can have.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int NORM_PRIORITY
        The default priority that is assigned to a strand.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_PRIORITY
        The maximum priority that a strand can have.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • currentStrand

        protected static java.lang.ThreadLocal<Strand> currentStrand
    • Constructor Detail

      • Strand

        public Strand()
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static Strand of​(java.lang.Object owner)
      • of

        public static Strand of​(java.lang.Thread thread)
        Returns a strand representing the given thread.
      • of

        public static Strand of​(Fiber fiber)
        Returns a strand representing the given fiber. The current implementation simply returns the fiber itself as Fiber extends Fiber.
      • isFiber

        public abstract boolean isFiber()
        Tests whether this strand is a fiber.
        true iff this strand is a fiber.
      • getUnderlying

        public abstract java.lang.Object getUnderlying()
        Returns the underlying object of this strand, namely a Thread or a Fiber.
      • getName

        public abstract java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the strand's name.
        The strand's name. May be null.
      • setName

        public abstract Strand setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets this strand's name. This method may only be called before the strand is started.
        name - the new name
      • setPriority

        public abstract Strand setPriority​(int newPriority)
        Attempts to change the priority of this strand. The priority of this thread is set to the smaller of the specified newPriority and the maximum permitted priority of the strand's thread group, if the strand is a thread. The strand priority's semantics - or even if it is ignored completely - is entirely up to the strand's scheduler, be it the OS kernel in the case of a thread, or the fiber scheduler, in the case of a fiber.
        newPriority - priority to set this strand to
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the priority is not in the range MIN_PRIORITY to MAX_PRIORITY
        See Also:
        getPriority(), MAX_PRIORITY, MIN_PRIORITY
      • getPriority

        public abstract int getPriority()
        Returns this strand's priority.
        this strand's priority.
        See Also:
      • isAlive

        public abstract boolean isAlive()
        Tests whether this strand is alive, namely it has been started but not yet terminated.
      • isTerminated

        public abstract boolean isTerminated()
        Tests whether this strand has terminated.
      • start

        public abstract Strand start()
        Starts the strand.
        java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException - if the strand has already been started
      • join

        public abstract void join()
                           throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
        Awaits the termination of this strand. This method blocks until this strand terminates.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - if this strand has terminated as a result of an uncaught exception (which will be the cause of the thrown ExecutionException.
      • join

        public abstract void join​(long timeout,
                                  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
                           throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
        Awaits the termination of this strand, at most for the timeout duration specified. This method blocks until this strand terminates or the timeout elapses.
        timeout - the maximum duration to wait for the strand to terminate in the time unit specified by unit.
        unit - the time unit of timeout.
        java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException - if this strand did not terminate by the time the timeout has elapsed.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - if this strand has terminated as a result of an uncaught exception (which will be the cause of the thrown ExecutionException.
      • get

        public abstract java.lang.Object get()
                                      throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
      • get

        public abstract java.lang.Object get​(long timeout,
                                             java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
                                      throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
      • isDone

        public boolean isDone()
      • interrupt

        public abstract void interrupt()
        Interrupts this strand. If this strand is blocked, the blocking function will throw an InterruptedException. Otherwise, the strand may test its interrupted status with the interrupted() or isInterrupted() method.
      • isInterrupted

        public abstract boolean isInterrupted()
        Tests whether this strand has been interrupted.
        true if the strand has been interrupted; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        interrupt(), interrupted()
      • getInterruptStack

        public abstract java.lang.InterruptedException getInterruptStack()
        Returns an InterruptedException that was created when the interrupt() method was called, and can be used to retrieve the stack trace of the strand that interrupted this strand. This method is only intended to assist in debugging. This method may return null if this information is not available. The current implementation always returns null if this strand is a thread.
      • unpark

        public abstract void unpark()
        Makes available the permit for this strand, if it was not already available. If this strand was blocked on park() then it will unblock. Otherwise, its next call to park() is guaranteed not to block. This operation is not guaranteed to have any effect at all if the given strand has not been started.
      • unpark

        public abstract void unpark​(java.lang.Object unblocker)
        Makes available the permit for this strand, if it was not already available. If this strand was blocked on park() then it will unblock. Otherwise, its next call to park() is guaranteed not to block. This operation is not guaranteed to have any effect at all if the given strand has not been started.
        unblocker - the synchronization object responsible for this strand unparking
      • getBlocker

        public abstract java.lang.Object getBlocker()
        Returns the blocker object supplied to the most recent invocation of a park method that has not yet unblocked, or null if not blocked. The value returned is just a momentary snapshot -- the thread may have since unblocked or blocked on a different blocker object.
        the blocker
      • getState

        public abstract Strand.State getState()
        Returns the strand's current running state.
      • getStackTrace

        public abstract java.lang.StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()
        Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack dump of this strand. This method will return a zero-length array if this strand has not started, has started but has not yet been scheduled to run by the system, or has terminated. If the returned array is of non-zero length then the first element of the array represents the top of the stack, which is the most recent method invocation in the sequence. The last element of the array represents the bottom of the stack, which is the least recent method invocation in the sequence.

        Some virtual machines may, under some circumstances, omit one or more stack frames from the stack trace. In the extreme case, a virtual machine that has no stack trace information concerning this strand is permitted to return a zero-length array from this method.

        an array of StackTraceElements, each represents one stack frame.
      • getId

        public abstract long getId()
        Returns the strand's id. Id's are unique within a single JVM instance.
      • currentStrand

        public static Strand currentStrand()
        Returns the current strand. This method will return a strand representing the fiber calling this method, or the current thread if this method is not called within a fiber.
        A strand representing the current fiber or thread
      • isCurrentFiber

        public static boolean isCurrentFiber()
        Tests whether this function is called within a fiber. This method might be faster than Fiber.currentFiber() != null.
        true iff the code that called this method is executing in a fiber.
      • interrupted

        public static boolean interrupted()
        Tests whether the current strand has been interrupted. The interrupted status of the strand is cleared by this method. In other words, if this method were to be called twice in succession, the second call would return false (unless the current strand were interrupted again, after the first call had cleared its interrupted status and before the second call had examined it).
        true if the current thread has been interrupted; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        interrupt(), isInterrupted()
      • join

        public static void join​(java.lang.Object strand)
                         throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
        Awaits the termination of a given strand. This method blocks until this strand terminates.
        strand - the strand to join. May be an object of type Strand, Fiber or Thread.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - if this strand has terminated as a result of an uncaught exception (which will be the cause of the thrown ExecutionException.
      • join

        public static void join​(java.lang.Object strand,
                                long timeout,
                                java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
                         throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
        Awaits the termination of a given strand, at most for the timeout duration specified. This method blocks until this strand terminates or the timeout elapses.
        strand - the strand to join. May be an object of type Strand, Fiber or Thread.
        timeout - the maximum duration to wait for the strand to terminate in the time unit specified by unit.
        unit - the time unit of timeout.
        java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException - if this strand did not terminate by the time the timeout has elapsed.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - if this strand has terminated as a result of an uncaught exception (which will be the cause of the thrown ExecutionException.
      • yield

        public static void yield()
                          throws SuspendExecution
        A hint to the scheduler that the current strand is willing to yield its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this hint.

        Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression between strands that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to ensure that it actually has the desired effect.

      • sleep

        public static void sleep​(long millis)
                          throws SuspendExecution,
        Causes the currently executing strand to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
        millis - the length of time to sleep in milliseconds
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the value of millis is negative
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any strand has interrupted the current strand. The interrupted status of the current strand is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • sleep

        public static void sleep​(long millis,
                                 int nanos)
                          throws SuspendExecution,
        Causes the currently executing strand to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
        millis - the length of time to sleep in milliseconds
        nanos - 0-999999 additional nanoseconds to sleep
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the value of millis is negative, or the value of nanos is not in the range 0-999999
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any strand has interrupted the current strand. The interrupted status of the current strand is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • sleep

        public static void sleep​(long duration,
                                 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
                          throws SuspendExecution,
        Causes the currently executing strand to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified duration, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
        duration - the length of time to sleep in the time unit specified by unit.
        unit - the time unit of duration.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any strand has interrupted the current strand. The interrupted status of the current strand is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • park

        public static void park()
                         throws SuspendExecution
        Disables the current strand for scheduling purposes unless the permit is available.

        If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns immediately; otherwise the current strand becomes disabled for scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens:

        • Some other strand invokes unpark with the current strand as the target; or
        • Some other strand interrupts the current strand; or
        • The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.

        This method does not report which of these caused the method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused the strand to park in the first place. Callers may also determine, for example, the interrupt status of the strand upon return.

      • park

        public static void park​(java.lang.Object blocker)
                         throws SuspendExecution
        Disables the current strand for scheduling purposes unless the permit is available.

        If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns immediately; otherwise the current strand becomes disabled for scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens:

        • Some other strand invokes unpark with the current strand as the target; or
        • Some other strand interrupts the current strand; or
        • The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.

        This method does not report which of these caused the method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused the strand to park in the first place. Callers may also determine, for example, the interrupt status of the strand upon return.

        blocker - the synchronization object responsible for this strand parking
      • parkNanos

        public static void parkNanos​(long nanos)
                              throws SuspendExecution
        Disables the current strand for thread scheduling purposes, for up to the specified waiting time, unless the permit is available.

        If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns immediately; otherwise the current strand becomes disabled for scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four things happens:

        • Some other strand invokes unpark with the current strand as the target; or
        • Some other strand interrupts the current strand; or
        • The specified waiting time elapses; or
        • The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.

        This method does not report which of these caused the method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused the strand to park in the first place. Callers may also determine, for example, the interrupt status of the strand, or the elapsed time upon return.

        nanos - the maximum number of nanoseconds to wait
      • parkNanos

        public static void parkNanos​(java.lang.Object blocker,
                                     long nanos)
                              throws SuspendExecution
        Disables the current strand for thread scheduling purposes, for up to the specified waiting time, unless the permit is available.

        If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns immediately; otherwise the current strand becomes disabled for scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four things happens:

        • Some other strand invokes unpark with the current strand as the target; or
        • Some other strand interrupts the current strand; or
        • The specified waiting time elapses; or
        • The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.

        This method does not report which of these caused the method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused the strand to park in the first place. Callers may also determine, for example, the interrupt status of the strand, or the elapsed time upon return.

        blocker - the synchronization object responsible for this strand parking
        nanos - the maximum number of nanoseconds to wait
      • parkUntil

        public static void parkUntil​(java.lang.Object blocker,
                                     long deadline)
                              throws SuspendExecution
        Disables the current strand for scheduling purposes, until the specified deadline, unless the permit is available.

        If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns immediately; otherwise the current strand becomes disabled for scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four things happens:

        • Some other strand invokes unpark with the current strand as the target; or
        • Some other strand interrupts the current strand; or
        • The specified deadline passes; or
        • The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.

        This method does not report which of these caused the method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused the strand to park in the first place. Callers may also determine, for example, the interrupt status of the strand, or the current time upon return.

        blocker - the synchronization object responsible for this strand parking
        deadline - the absolute time, in milliseconds from the Epoch, to wait until
      • unpark

        public static void unpark​(Strand strand)
        Makes available the permit for the given strand, if it was not already available. If the strand was blocked on park then it will unblock. Otherwise, its next call to park is guaranteed not to block. This operation is not guaranteed to have any effect at all if the given strand has not been started.
        strand - the strand to unpark, or null, in which case this operation has no effect
      • unpark

        public static void unpark​(Strand strand,
                                  java.lang.Object unblocker)
        Makes available the permit for the given strand, if it was not already available. If the strand was blocked on park then it will unblock. Otherwise, its next call to park is guaranteed not to block. This operation is not guaranteed to have any effect at all if the given strand has not been started.
        strand - the strand to unpark, or null, in which case this operation has no effect
        unblocker - the synchronization object responsible for the strand unparking
      • unpark

        public static void unpark​(java.lang.Thread strand)
        Makes available the permit for the given strand, if it was not already available. If the strand was blocked on park then it will unblock. Otherwise, its next call to park is guaranteed not to block. This operation is not guaranteed to have any effect at all if the given strand has not been started.
        strand - the strand to unpark, or null, in which case this operation has no effect
      • dumpStack

        public static void dumpStack()
        Prints a stack trace of the current strand to the standard error stream. This method is used only for debugging.
      • setUncaughtExceptionHandler

        public abstract void setUncaughtExceptionHandler​(Strand.UncaughtExceptionHandler eh)
        Set the handler invoked when this strand abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.

        A strand can take full control of how it responds to uncaught exceptions by having its uncaught exception handler explicitly set.

        eh - the object to use as this strand's uncaught exception handler. If null then this strand has no explicit handler.
      • getUncaughtExceptionHandler

        public abstract Strand.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler()
        Returns the handler invoked when this strand abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(java.lang.Object strand1,
                                     java.lang.Object strand2)
        Tests whether two strands represent the same fiber or thread.
        strand1 - May be an object of type Strand, Fiber or Thread.
        strand2 - May be an object of type Strand, Fiber or Thread.
        true if the two strands represent the same fiber or the same thread; false otherwise.
      • toRunnable

        public static java.lang.Runnable toRunnable​(SuspendableRunnable runnable)
        A utility method that converts a SuspendableRunnable to a Runnable so that it could run as the target of a thread.
      • toRunnable

        public static java.lang.Runnable toRunnable​(SuspendableCallable<?> callable)
        A utility method that converts a SuspendableCallable to a Runnable so that it could run as the target of a thread. The return value of the callable is ignored.
      • unwrapSuspendable

        public static java.lang.Object unwrapSuspendable​(java.lang.Runnable r)
        Returns the SuspendableCallable or SuspendableRunnable, wrapped by the given Runnable by toRunnable.
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.StackTraceElement[] trace)
        This utility method turns a stack-trace into a human readable, multi-line string.
        trace - a stack trace (such as returned from getStackTrace().
        a nice (multi-line) string representation of the stack trace.
      • printStackTrace

        public static void printStackTrace​(java.lang.StackTraceElement[] trace,
        This utility method prints a stack-trace into a PrintStream
        trace - a stack trace (such as returned from getStackTrace().
        out - the PrintStream into which the stack trace will be printed.
      • printStackTrace

        public static void printStackTrace​(java.lang.StackTraceElement[] trace,
        This utility method prints a stack-trace into a PrintWriter
        trace - a stack trace (such as returned from getStackTrace().
        out - the PrintWriter into which the stack trace will be printed.