Fiber-based implementation of [org.clojure/core.async "0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha"]
(<! port)
Takes a val from port. Must be called inside a (go ...) block. Will
return nil if closed. Will park if nothing is available.
Pulsar implementation: Identical to <!!. May be used outside go blocks as well.
Takes a val from port. Will return nil if closed. Will block
if nothing is available.
Pulsar implementation: Identical to <!. May be used outside go blocks as well.
(>! port val)
Puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Must be called
inside a (go ...) block. Will park if no buffer space is available.
Returns true unless port is already closed.
Pulsar implementation: Identical to >!!. May be used outside go blocks as well.
Puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Will block if no
buffer space is available. Returns true unless port is already closed.
Pulsar implementation: Identical to >!. May be used outside go blocks as well.
(admix mix ch)
Adds ch as an input to the mix
(alt! & clauses)
Makes a single choice between one of several channel operations,
as if by alts!, returning the value of the result expr corresponding
to the operation completed. Must be called inside a (go ...) block.
Each clause takes the form of:
channel-op[s] result-expr
where channel-ops is one of:
take-port - a single port to take
[take-port | [put-port put-val] ...] - a vector of ports as per alts!
:default | :priority - an option for alts!
and result-expr is either a list beginning with a vector, whereupon that
vector will be treated as a binding for the [val port] return of the
operation, else any other expression.
[c t] ([val ch] (foo ch val))
x ([v] v)
[[out val]] :wrote
:default 42)
Each option may appear at most once. The choice and parking
characteristics are those of alts!.
Pulsar implementation: Identical to alt!!. May be used outside go blocks as well.
(alt!! & args)
Like alt!, except as if by alts!!, will block until completed, and
not intended for use in (go ...) blocks.
Pulsar implementation: identical to alt! and may be
used in go blocks
(alts! ports & {:as opts})
Completes at most one of several channel operations. Must be called
inside a (go ...) block. ports is a set of channel endpoints, which
can be either a channel to take from or a vector of
[channel-to-put-to val-to-put], in any combination. Takes will be
made as if by <!, and puts will be made as if by >!. Unless
the :priority option is true, if more than one port operation is
ready a non-deterministic choice will be made. If no operation is
ready and a :default value is supplied, [default-val :default] will
be returned, otherwise alts! will park until the first operation to
become ready completes. Returns [val port] of the completed
operation, where val is the value taken for takes, and nil for puts.
opts are passed as :key val ... Supported options:
:default val - the value to use if none of the operations are immediately ready
:priority true - (default nil) when true, the operations will be tried in order.
Note: there is no guarantee that the port exps or val exprs will be
used, nor in what order should they be, so they should not be
depended upon for side effects.
Pulsar implementation: Identical to alts!!. May be used outside go blocks as well.
(alts!! & args)
Like alts!, except takes will be made as if by <!!, and puts will
be made as if by >!!, will block until completed, and not intended
for use in (go ...) blocks.
Pulsar implementation: identical to alt! and may be
used in go blocks
(buffer n)
Returns a fixed buffer of size n. When full, puts will block/park.
(chan buf-or-n)
(chan buf-or-n xform)
(chan buf-or-n xform ex-handler)
Creates a channel with an optional buffer, an optional transducer
(like (map f), (filter p) etc or a composition thereof), and an
optional exception-handler. If buf-or-n is a number, will create
and use a fixed buffer of that size. If a transducer is supplied a
buffer must be specified. ex-handler must be a fn of one argument -
if an exception occurs during transformation it will be called with
the Throwable as an argument, and any non-nil return value will be
placed in the channel.
(close! chan)
Closes a channel. The channel will no longer accept any puts (they
will be ignored). Data in the channel remains available for taking, until
exhausted, after which takes will return nil. If there are any
pending takes, they will be dispatched with nil. Closing a closed
channel is a no-op. Returns nil.
(do-alts fret ports opts)
Returns derefable [val port] if immediate, nil if enqueued
(dropping-buffer n)
Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete but
val will be dropped (no transfer).
(fiber & body)
Executes the body in another fiber, returning immediately to the
calling strand. Returns a channel which will receive the result of
the body when completed.
(fiber-call f)
Executes f in another fiber, returning immediately to the calling
strand. Returns a channel which will receive the result of calling
f when completed.
(go & body)
Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the
calling thread. Additionally, any visible calls to <!, >! and alt!/alts!
channel operations within the body will block (if necessary) by
'parking' the calling thread rather than tying up an OS thread (or
the only JS thread when in ClojureScript). Upon completion of the
operation, the body will be resumed.
Returns a channel which will receive the result of the body when
(go-loop bindings & body)
(into coll ch)
Returns a channel containing the single (collection) result of the
items taken from the channel conjoined to the supplied
collection. ch must close before into produces a result.
(map f chs)
(map f chs buf-or-n)
Takes a function and a collection of source channels, and returns a
channel which contains the values produced by applying f to the set
of first items taken from each source channel, followed by applying
f to the set of second items from each channel, until any one of the
channels is closed, at which point the output channel will be
closed. The returned channel will be unbuffered by default, or a
buf-or-n can be supplied
(merge chs)
(merge chs buf-or-n)
Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which
contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be
unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel
will close after all the source channels have closed.
(solo-mode* m mode)
(toggle* m state-map)
(mix out)
Creates and returns a mix of one or more input channels which will
be put on the supplied out channel. Input sources can be added to
the mix with 'admix', and removed with 'unmix'. A mix supports
soloing, muting and pausing multiple inputs atomically using
'toggle', and can solo using either muting or pausing as determined
by 'solo-mode'.
Each channel can have zero or more boolean modes set via 'toggle':
:solo - when true, only this (ond other soloed) channel(s) will appear
in the mix output channel. :mute and :pause states of soloed
channels are ignored. If solo-mode is :mute, non-soloed
channels are muted, if :pause, non-soloed channels are
:mute - muted channels will have their contents consumed but not included in the mix
:pause - paused channels will not have their contents consumed (and thus also not included in the mix)
(mult ch)
Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel. Channels
containing copies of the channel can be created with 'tap', and
detached with 'untap'.
Each item is distributed to all taps in parallel and synchronously,
i.e. each tap must accept before the next item is distributed. Use
buffering/windowing to prevent slow taps from holding up the mult.
Items received when there are no taps get dropped.
If a tap puts to a closed channel, it will be removed from the mult.
(onto-chan ch coll)
(onto-chan ch coll close?)
Puts the contents of coll into the supplied channel.
By default the channel will be closed after the items are copied,
but can be determined by the close? parameter.
Returns a channel which will close after the items are copied.
(pipe from to)
(pipe from to close?)
Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
channel. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes.
(pipeline n to xf from)
(pipeline n to xf from close?)
(pipeline n to xf from close? ex-handler)
Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
channel, subject to the transducer xf, with parallelism n. Because
it is parallel, the transducer will be applied independently to each
element, not across elements, and may produce zero or more outputs
per input. Outputs will be returned in order relative to the
inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. Note this
should be used for computational parallelism. If you have multiple
blocking operations to put in flight, use pipeline-blocking instead,
If you have multiple asynchronous operations to put in flight, use
pipeline-async instead.
(pipeline-async n to af from)
(pipeline-async n to af from close?)
Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
channel, subject to the async function af, with parallelism n. af
must be a function of two arguments, the first an input value and
the second a channel on which to place the result(s). af must close!
the channel before returning. The presumption is that af will
return immediately, having launched some asynchronous operation
(i.e. in another strand) whose completion/callback will manipulate
the result channel. Outputs will be returned in order relative to
the inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. See also
pipeline, pipeline-blocking.
(pipeline-blocking n to xf from)
(pipeline-blocking n to xf from close?)
(pipeline-blocking n to xf from close? ex-handler)
Like pipeline, for blocking operations.
(unsub-all* p)
(unsub-all* p v)
(pub ch topic-fn)
(pub ch topic-fn buf-fn)
Creates and returns a pub(lication) of the supplied channel,
partitioned into topics by the topic-fn. topic-fn will be applied to
each value on the channel and the result will determine the 'topic'
on which that value will be put. Channels can be subscribed to
receive copies of topics using 'sub', and unsubscribed using
'unsub'. Each topic will be handled by an internal mult on a
dedicated channel. By default these internal channels are
unbuffered, but a buf-fn can be supplied which, given a topic,
creates a buffer with desired properties.
Each item is distributed to all subs in parallel and synchronously,
i.e. each sub must accept before the next item is distributed. Use
buffering/windowing to prevent slow subs from holding up the pub.
Items received when there are no matching subs get dropped.
Note that if buf-fns are used then each topic is handled
asynchronously, i.e. if a channel is subscribed to more than one
topic it should not expect them to be interleaved identically with
the source.
(put! port val)
(put! port val fn1)
(put! port val fn1 on-caller?)
Asynchronously puts a val into port, calling fn1 (if supplied) when
complete, passing false iff port is already closed. nil values are
not allowed. If on-caller? (default true) is true, and the put is
immediately accepted, will call fn1 on calling thread. Returns
true unless port is already closed.
(reduce f init ch)
f should be a function of 2 arguments. Returns a channel containing
the single result of applying f to init and the first item from the
channel, then applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If
the channel closes without yielding items, returns init and f is not
called. ch must close before reduce produces a result.
(rx-chan chan xform exh)
(sliding-buffer n)
Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete, and be
buffered, but oldest elements in buffer will be dropped (not
(solo-mode mix mode)
Sets the solo mode of the mix. mode must be one of :mute or :pause
(split p ch)
(split p ch t-buf-or-n f-buf-or-n)
Takes a predicate and a source channel and returns a vector of two
channels, the first of which will contain the values for which the
predicate returned true, the second those for which it returned
The out channels will be unbuffered by default, or two buf-or-ns can
be supplied. The channels will close after the source channel has
(sub p topic ch)
(sub p topic ch close?)
Subscribes a channel to a topic of a pub.
By default the channel will be closed when the source closes,
but can be determined by the close? parameter.
(take n ch)
(take n ch buf-or-n)
Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch. After n items
have been returned, or ch has been closed, the return channel will close.
The output channel is unbuffered by default, unless buf-or-n is given.
(take! port fn1)
(take! port fn1 on-caller?)
Asynchronously takes a val from port, passing to fn1. Will pass nil
if closed. If on-caller? (default true) is true, and value is
immediately available, will call fn1 on calling thread.
Returns nil.
(tap mult ch)
(tap mult ch close?)
Copies the mult source onto the supplied channel.
By default the channel will be closed when the source closes,
but can be determined by the close? parameter.
(thread & body)
Executes the body in another thread, returning immediately to the
calling thread. Returns a channel which will receive the result of
the body when completed.
(thread-call f)
Executes f in another thread, returning immediately to the calling
thread. Returns a channel which will receive the result of calling
f when completed.
(timeout msecs)
Returns a channel that will close after msecs
(to-chan coll)
Creates and returns a channel which contains the contents of coll,
closing when exhausted.
(toggle mix state-map)
Atomically sets the state(s) of one or more channels in a mix. The
state map is a map of channels -> channel-state-map. A
channel-state-map is a map of attrs -> boolean, where attr is one or
more of :mute, :pause or :solo. Any states supplied are merged with
the current state.
Note that channels can be added to a mix via toggle, which can be
used to add channels in a particular (e.g. paused) state.
(unblocking-buffer? [_ policy])
Returns true if a channel created with buffer will never block. That is to say,
puts into this buffer will never cause the buffer to be full.
(unmix mix ch)
Removes ch as an input to the mix
(unmix-all mix)
removes all inputs from the mix
(unsub p topic ch)
Unsubscribes a channel from a topic of a pub
(unsub-all p)
(unsub-all p topic)
Unsubscribes all channels from a pub, or a topic of a pub
(untap mult ch)
Disconnects a target channel from a mult
(untap-all mult)
Disconnects all target channels from a mult