Interface ActorsMXBean

  • public interface ActorsMXBean
    An MXBean that monitors all actors.
    • Method Detail

      • refresh

        void refresh()
      • getNumActiveActors

        int getNumActiveActors()
        The number of currently active actors.
      • getAllActorIds

        long[] getAllActorIds()
        The strand IDs of all currently running actors.
      • getStackTrace

        java.lang.String getStackTrace​(long actorId)
        Returns the stack trace of the strand running a given actor.
        actorId - the strand ID of the actor
        the current class-stack of the actor
      • getMailbox

        java.lang.String[] getMailbox​(long actorId)
        Returns all messages currently awaiting in a given actor's mailbox.
        actorId - the strand ID of the actor
        an array containing all messages currently awaiting in the actor's mailbox.
      • addWatch

        void addWatch​(long actorId)
        Add an actor to the list of watched actors. Information about all watched actors is accessed via the watchedActorsInfo property.
        actorId - the actor's strand ID.
      • removeWatch

        void removeWatch​(long actorId)
        Removes an actor from the set of watched actors.
        actorId - the actor's strand ID.
        See Also: