Interface ActorMXBean

  • public interface ActorMXBean
    An MXBean monitoring a single actor. This MBean is created for the actor when it is registered, or when its monitor method is called.
    • Method Detail

      • refresh

        void refresh()
      • getReceivedMessages

        long getReceivedMessages()
        The number of messages this actor has received.
      • getQueueLength

        int getQueueLength()
        The number of messages currently waiting in the actor's mailbox.
      • getRestarts

        int getRestarts()
        The number of times this actor has been restarted by a SupervisorActor.
      • getLastDeathCauses

        java.lang.String[] getLastDeathCauses()
        The latest few death-causes for this actor (relevant if it's been restarted by a SupervisorActor.
      • mailbox

        java.lang.String[] mailbox()
        The messages currently waiting in the actor's mailbox
      • stackTrace

        java.lang.String stackTrace()
        The actor's current call-stack