Pulsar 0.7.7-SNAPSHOT
A Clojure lightweight thread, asynchronous programming, and actor library.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[co.paralleluniverse/pulsar "0.7.7-SNAPSHOT"]
Defines actors and behaviors like gen-server and supervisor
Public variables and functions:
- !
- !!
- ->Initializer
- ->MailboxConfig
- ->PulsarEventHandler
- actor
- actor-builder
- add-child!
- add-handler!
- call!
- call-timed!
- capitalize
- cast!
- defactor
- done?
- gen-event
- gen-fsm
- gen-server
- get-actor
- get-child
- link!
- log
- mailbox
- mailbox-of
- maketag
- notify!
- receive
- receive-timed
- recur-swap
- register!
- remove-and-terminate-child!
- remove-child!
- remove-handler!
- reply!
- reply-error!
- request!
- request-timed!
- self
- Server
- set-state!
- set-timeout!
- shutdown!
- spawn
- spawn-link
- state
- strand-factory
- supervisor
- trap!
- unlink!
- unregister!
- unwatch!
- vref
- watch!
- whereis
Fiber-based implementation of [org.clojure/core.async "0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha"]
Public variables and functions:
- <!
- <!!
- >!
- >!!
- admix
- alt!
- alt!!
- alts!
- alts!!
- buffer
- chan
- close!
- do-alts
- dropping-buffer
- fiber
- fiber-call
- go
- go-loop
- into
- map
- merge
- Mix
- mix
- Mult
- mult
- Mux
- onto-chan
- pipe
- pipeline
- pipeline-async
- pipeline-blocking
- Pub
- pub
- put!
- reduce
- rx-chan
- sliding-buffer
- solo-mode
- split
- sub
- take
- take!
- tap
- thread
- thread-call
- timeout
- to-chan
- toggle
- unblocking-buffer?
- unmix
- unmix-all
- unsub
- unsub-all
- untap
- untap-all
Pulsar is an implementation of lightweight threads (fibers), Go-like channles and Erlang-like actors for the JVM
Public variables and functions:
- ->timeunit
- alive?
- await
- channel
- close!
- closed?
- convert-duration
- create-fiber
- current-fiber
- current-strand
- dbg
- default-fiber-scheduler
- defsfn
- double-channel
- fiber
- fiber->future
- float-channel
- int-channel
- join
- letsfn
- long-channel
- promise
- rcv
- rcv-double
- rcv-float
- rcv-int
- rcv-into
- rcv-long
- sel
- select
- seq->channel
- sfn
- singleton-channel
- sleep
- snd
- snd-double
- snd-float
- snd-int
- snd-long
- snd-seq
- spawn-fiber
- spawn-thread
- sreify
- start
- strampoline
- subscribe!
- suspendable!
- suspendable?
- tagged
- ticker-consumer
- topic
- try-rcv
- try-snd
- try-snd-double
- try-snd-float
- try-snd-int
- try-snd-long
- unsubscribe!
Dataflow vals and vars
Functions to transform a channel into a laze seq
Public variables and functions: